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Košarica {{ (warenkorbCtrl.warenkorb.bestellNummer ? (' [' + warenkorbCtrl.warenkorb.bestellNummer + '] ') : '' )}} | {{warenkorbCtrl.warenkorb.items.length}} izdelek   Zamenjaj košarico


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Prosimo vas, da se prijavite, da bi lahko videli vaše cene ter nadaljevali z naročilom.


Visoko zmogljivostna mast v razpršilu, do 170 °C

VGS 170 S

Opis izdelka

High-performance versatile spray grease for mould and die making. Ideally suited for lubricating slides, ejectors, and guides and for servicing machines and facilities. The grease features excellent creeping properties so after applying, it quickly penetrates even areas that are difficult to access.


  • Usable up to 170 °C
  • Optimal wear and corrosion protection
  • High load-bearing capacity and very good adhesive properties
  • Excellent resistance to media and compatible with most plastics
  • NSF-H1 registered

Z veseljem vam tukaj nudimo varnostni list.

Izbira artikla

Informacije o izdelku

Priporočeni izdelki

Izbira artikla

Ozn. Št. Cena / Kos Količina
Razpršilec 400ml VGS 170 S/  1/400 21,70 €
Razpršilec 400ml VGS 170 S/12/400 238,00 €

Informacije o izdelku

Informacije o izdelku


Shake can before use. Clean designated area thoroughly and spray on thinly and evenly from a distance of approx. 20 cm. Do not apply a thick coat.


VGS 170 S Vrednost Preizkusni postopki
Barva umazano bela DIN ISO 2049
Maksimalna temperatura 170 °C      
Gostota 0,72 g/cm³ DIN 51 757
Osnovno olje polyalphaolefin         
Drop point > 300 °C DIN ISO 2176
Thickener Calcium sulfonate complex      
NLGI-class 2 DIN 51818
Delovna penetracija 250 - 280 mm²/s


Tukaj si lahko prenesete podatkovni list izdelka kot PDF.

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Tukaj si lahko prenesete varnostni list izdelka kot PDF.

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Priporočeni izdelki


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